Legal Data Service

The Fontis Legal Data Service (LDS) is the industry’s first subscription-based international retention research product.

When you subscribe to LDS, you’ll receive high-quality research uncovered by top retention experts around the globe. That data is carefully reviewed by our in-house legal team and published using leading-edge technology.

The content we provide, delivered via our easy-to-use online interface, provides value that other research solutions can’t begin to match.

The Power of the Network

Count on accurate legal information from law firms with local expertise supervised by our in-house legal staff

  • Legal information is compiled by top independent law firms local to each jurisdiction
  • Each firm manages their research through our proprietary web application
  • All research is closely reviewed by our in-house counsel to ensure that it’s relevant, complete, and consistent
  • Legal issues can be referred back through the network to the appropriate law firm


Delivered Digitally

Receive concise, normalized rules, rather than text-based research tomes

  • Each research item includes over three dozen individual pieces of metadata to help you immediately understand a requirement
  • Research is indexed by legal subject matter and jurisdiction
  • Multiple legal requirement types can be sorted and searched to help you better understand your retention obligations


Online Automated Maintenance Updates

Automatically receive subscription updates from our legal network

  • New and updated regulations are delivered automatically
  • Approve new or changed information via a maintenance dashboard immediately, as it arrives
  • Instantly publish policy revisions to your entire enterprise, keeping everyone in sync with the latest regulations


Finally there comes a solution

"Finally there comes a solution to manage retention schedules in a unprecedented way:

The seamless integration and management of records series, underlying sources (legal or other requirements) including a taxonomy based on a process oriented approach becomes true."

- Jürg Hagmann,
Novartis Information Governance