The Power of the Network
Count on accurate legal information from law firms with local expertise supervised by our in-house legal staff
- Legal information is compiled by top independent law firms local to each jurisdiction
- Each firm manages their research through our proprietary web application
- All research is closely reviewed by our in-house counsel to ensure that it’s relevant, complete, and consistent
- Legal issues can be referred back through the network to the appropriate law firm
Delivered Digitally
Receive concise, normalized rules, rather than text-based research tomes
- Each research item includes over three dozen individual pieces of metadata to help you immediately understand a requirement
- Research is indexed by legal subject matter and jurisdiction
- Multiple legal requirement types can be sorted and searched to help you better understand your retention obligations
Online Automated Maintenance Updates
Automatically receive subscription updates from our legal network
- New and updated regulations are delivered automatically
- Approve new or changed information via a maintenance dashboard immediately, as it arrives
- Instantly publish policy revisions to your entire enterprise, keeping everyone in sync with the latest regulations